Creating value along the way.

Committed to transparency, we are publishing this Annual Report containing information on our operational, financial, social, and environmental results, investments related to our strategy and vision of the future, and progress in stakeholder relations. |GRI 102-52|

The content refers to all our operations1 during the 2017/2018 crop year ─ from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 ─ and includes the topics identified during the materiality process carried out in the period, validated by the Executive Board and assured by KPMG Independent Auditors. |GRI 102-45, 102-46, 102-50, 102-56|

1 Raízen Energia S.A., Raízen Combustíveis S.A. and all its wholly-owned subsidiaries and affiliated companies.

The publication adopts the Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): Core Option ─ first cycle of adjustment to the new format, replacing the G4 version. The sections are divided according to the pillars that support our culture. |GRI 102-54|

For more information, write to fale@raizen.com or call 0800 728 1616. Your contact is important to improving our relationship. |GRI 102-53|

Enjoy your reading!

Materiality process |GRI 102-43, 102-46|

We listen and share with each other, our clients, and our partners.

Topics relevant to us were identified through a broad research process, conducted with support from external consulting, involving over 300 people ─ suppliers, clients, specialists, and employees (including our senior management). These are the steps in this process:


Among the topics discussed, seven stood out as more relevant after establishing a cutoff limit. Also, guided by our strategy, we included in this group the topics "People Management" and "Social and Environmental Aspects and Impacts,"2 in order to maintain our management and transparency regarding these aspects.

2 Covers the topics: "Water," "Biodiversity," "Local social and economic development," "Private social investment," "Climate change," "Relations with communities neighboring the operations," and "Waste and effluents.”

As a result, we have built the matrix below, which presents the main topics for our business, which are also the basis of the contents of this report.

Relevant topics |GRI 102-44, 102-47, 103-1|

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