About this report

About this report

For the eighth consecutive year, we reaffirm our commitment to transparency by disclosing the results—operational, social and environmental and financial - recorded during the crop year. |GRI 102-52|

In line with the previous edition, published in June 2018, this document was prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core Option. The content refers to our operations in Brazil1 between April 1, 2018 and March 31, 2019. |GRI 102-45, 102-50, 102-51, 102-52, 102-54|

In order to ensure the accuracy of the information, this material was evaluated by the Executive Board and assured by KPMG Auditores Independentes. |GRI 102-56|

For questions or suggestions, write to fale@raizen.com or, if you prefer, call 0800 728 1616. |GRI 102-53|

Your contact is important to improve our communication!

1 Raízen Energia S.A., Raízen Combustíveis S.A. and all wholly-owned and controlled subsidiaries. Due to its short time in operation, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) indicators do not yet include the assets acquired from Shell in Argentina or the operations announced during the crop year, but only the economic performance indicators. |GRI 102-45|

Material topics

|GRI 102-43, 102-44, 102-46, 102-47, 103-1|

The topics contained in this report were identified in the previous crop year during a broad consultation process involving more than 300 stakeholders, among suppliers, customers, specialists and employees, including our Senior Management).

Consultation process

As a result, seven relevant topics were highlighted in our Materiality Matrix, in addition to two ("People Management" and "Social and Environmental Aspects and Impacts"), which were later included as strategic for the business.

Materiality Matrix |GRI 102-47, 103-1|

Relationship with suppliers, business partners, and clients

We identified client concerns associated with this topic and recognized our potential to share technology and best practices with business partners

Procurement practices; Supplier environmental assessment; Supplier social assessment; Freedom of association and collective bargaining; Child labor; and Forced and/or compulsory labor

GRI 204-1, 308-1, 308-2, 407-1, 408-2, 409-1, 414-1, 414-2

Planting and growing sugarcane; industrial processes; and distribution and marketing of fuels (B2B, Shell Aviation and Stations). We have in place relationship programs with these audiences manage this topic.


We believe that stimulating innovation is what may differentiate us in the industry, and allow us to discover ways to mitigate risks and boost efficiency.


There are no related GRI indicators.

Planting and growing sugarcane; industrial processes; and distribution and marketing of fuels (B2B, Shell Aviation and Stations). We have in place the Pulse and develop several projects to advance technologies to drive the industry.

Workplace safety

Health and safety impacts on employees and third parties are some of the main criteria observed by clients. Dealers praise our practices. This topic also covers the entire value chain.

Occupational health and safety.

GRI 403-1, 403-2, 403-4

Planting, growing, and transporting sugarcane; industrial processes; and distribution and marketing of fuels (B2B, Shell Aviation and Stations). In all stages of the industrial and distribution processes, there are risks to the health and safety of workers (company or contractors). Such risks are identified and monitored for adoption of appropriate control measures.

Renewable energy and energy efficiency

Global demand for renewable energy has increased. This topic was often mentioned by experts, leadership, and employees.

Energy; Emissions.

GRI 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4

industrial processes and fuel distribution. At each crop we improve the circular economy model – not only in order to promote the efficiency of our operations, but to stimulate the transformation of the global energy matrix, with an increase in the share of renewable energies.

Ethics and integrity

A topic often mentioned by leaders, suppliers, and employees.

Anti-corruption; Anti-competitive behavior; Environmental compliance; and Social and economic compliance.

GRI 205-1, 205-2, 205-3, 206-1, 307-1, 419-1

Planting, growing, and transporting sugarcane; industrial processes; and distribution and marketing of fuels (B2B, Shell Aviation and Stations). At all links in our chain, we share ethical principles with our partners and employees, as well as market peers, with a view to socially responsible practices and fair competition in the sectors in which we operate.

Sustainability in the strategy

Often indicated by leadership.

There are no related GRI aspects.

There are no related GRI indicators.

Planting, growing, and transporting sugarcane; industrial processes; distributing and marketing fuels (B2B, Shell Aviation and Stations); consumers. At all stages of the industrial and distribution processes, sustainability is a key element in our strategy in the pursuit of operational efficiency and enhancement of our portfolio.

Economic Performance

Most mentioned by leadership and employees. It covers our competitive advantages and our ability to generate return for shareholders without compromising business continuity.

Economic Performance.

GRI 201-1, 201-2

Planting and growing sugarcane; industrial processes; and distribution and marketing of fuels (B2B, Shell Aviation and Stations). We are the business group that most drives the economy in Brazil2, with nearly 29,000 employees, as well as sugarcane producers, suppliers, carriers and dealers. With this responsibility, we have in place processes for identification and management of risks, in addition to robust governance structure, whereby our business objectives are clearly established and communicated.

People management

More relevant to employees and among those most mentioned by clients.

Employment; Training and Education; Diversity and equal opportunity; Non-discrimination.

GRI 401-1, 401-3, 404-1, 404-3, 405-1, 406-1

Planting, growing, and transporting sugarcane; industrial processes; and distribution and marketing of fuels (B2B, Shell Aviation and Stations). In all of our activities, we have approximately 29,000 employees, of whom we take steps to promote a safe, ethical, inclusive work environment that is conducive to personal and professional development.

Social and environmental aspects

Includes aspects related to the impact of our activities, although not all of them were prioritized by the stakeholders consulted.

Market presence; Indirect economic impacts; Water; Biodiversity; Effluents and waste; Rights of indigenous communities; Local communities.

GRI 202-1, 203-1, 303-1, 304-1, 304-2, 306-3, 411-1, 413-1, 413-2

Planting, growing, and transporting sugarcane; industrial processes; and distribution and marketing of fuels (B2B, Shell Aviation and Stations). The sugarcane chain is labor-intensive. Therefore, we have in place a series of measures to avoid the establishment of contracts with companies that employ people in conditions of slave or bonded labor; involved in acts of corruption; with non-compliance with environmental legislation; among other social and environmental impacts. Suppliers are evaluated periodically to ensure proper business relationship, in line with our principles.

2 According to ranking Empresas Mais, created by newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo.
*There are no specific limitations regarding the boundaries of the topics.
**We only monitor the compilation of concerns and demands raised, not controlling their exact source.

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