Energy that mobilizes

People engagement

Raízen Team

We ended the 2016/2017 harvest with approximately 29,000 employees, for whom we develop training and development initiatives that, in addition to forming and maintaining a high-quality team, aims to promote our culture of occupational safety, innovation and synergy of purposes.

Click here for more information about employees. |G4-10, G4-EC5, G4-LA1, G4-LA12, G4-LA13|

Attracting and retaining talent

|G4-DMA Employment|

In order to ensure hiring people who are aligned with our culture, we advanced even more in one of our main entry points and reinforced this approach with the Talents Program.

In 2016/2017 we received the registration of 17,073 applicants for internship and of 10,585 recently graduated students - resulting in the hiring of 33 recently graduated students and 350 interns.

Come grow with us

For the 2017/2018 harvest, as an innovation for the Talents Program, the first edition of the Trainee Program will be conducted. A total of 170 job positions will be made available (150 for interns and 20 for trainees) in 33 cities across Brazil, to work in several areas. Marketing, Logistics, Administration, Information Technology, Human Resources, Legal Department, Agricultural Department, Sales Area, Finance, and Operations.1

This is an initiative to facilitate access to the job market and provides learning in one of the largest corporate groups in Brazil - for those setting off on their professional journey or still working on their graduate courses.

Click here to learn more.


Management of diversity and inclusion

|G4-DMA Diversity and Equal Opportunity, G4-DMA Equal Remuneration for Women and Men|

We believe that a diverse environment yields benefits to the business. For this reason, we have in place a Diversity Plan, reaching 2016/2017 focused on three fronts: People with Disabilities (PwD), Gender, and Apprentices.

Concerning PwD, we maintained our commitment to provide professional training and promote inclusion. Since the 2014/2015 harvest, 1,530 openings were offered for training in various courses, such as office clerks, feeder in production lines, logistics clerk and stockroom. All students trained received formal job offers and more than half of them joined our ranks.

To form a pool of professionals, we also promoted two major initiatives to collect résumés in shopping malls in the cities of Piracicaba and Araraquara. More than 300 people with disabilities had the chance to learn about our operations and submit their résumés.

In order to promote gender equality, we conducted a survey with our employees to identify challenges and opportunities. We also created a group of advocates of this topic with representatives from all our businesses. This team will help establish an action plan and monitor its adoption.

The idea is to ensure the presence and growth of women who develop their careers with us. Among the initiatives in this area, the one called Espaço Nova Vida can be highlighted, consisting of a room inaugurated in the offices in Piracicaba and São Paulo, and in the Costa Pinto unit for women returning from maternity leave to extract and store breast milk with greater convenience.

For Apprentices, we developed an Apprenticeship Program based on the difficulties faced by socially vulnerable young adults attempting to enter the job market. The initiative promotes professional learning for the administrative and technical areas. The idea is to conduct pilot projects throughout the 2017/2018 harvest in order to test the model and escalate the project with quality to all other units.

People Management Cycle

|G4-DMA Training and Education|

Employee high performance is encouraged through meritocracy, transparency of goals and desired attitudes. Our energy is focused on the promotion of teamwork in order to reach common goals. We believe that any result is attained through planning, clear definition of goals, and disciplined monitoring of the progress of initiatives. The People Management Cycle systematizes all human resources processes, managed in an integrated manner through the online platform called Raízen People Management (GPR). The tool also gives support to managers to monitor the development of their teams, through constant feedback and monitoring.

Training and development

One of our premises is the internal professional development, which is instrumental for a sustainable growth and for the best results for the business.

In the 2016/2017 harvest, we held the last editions of Academia de Liderança (Leadership Academy) and Ciclo de Habilidades (Skills Cycle), with 381 and 257 participants, respectively. For the next harvest, we will merge the initiatives into a single corporate education program.

We believe in everyday development, through formal actions, participation in projects, multidisciplinary teams, and experience between businesses.

In the Vice Presidency of Agribusiness, we promoted specific initiatives that impacted 163,000 participants, from all levels. The main goal was to develop professionals aligned with the business strategy. The following programs stood out during the 2016/2017 harvest:

Agricultural Culture | Extension course for executives, supported by the São Carlos Federal University (UFSCar), the Júlio de Mesquita Filho São Paulo State University (UNESP), and the São Paulo University (USP). It covers the most important agricultural techniques in order to provide better support to decision-making. A total of 21 executives, among directors and managers, were trained. In the 2017/2018 harvest, the initiative will be maintained.

Management and Results for Leaders | A total of 259 managers and supervisors from the industrial and agricultural areas took part in the Development of Management and Results to align objectives and develop synergies.

Technical training for industrial supervisors | This program aims to review the most important theories and techniques associated with everyday processes, with the increase in operational quality, and with operational efficiency. More than 120 professionals were trained in the off-season about strategy, industrial production and maintenance, and integrated quality.

Raízen Generation | A program to prepare professionals to assume strategic positions within the company, and challenges these professionals to develop projects with feasibility studies and financial return and relies on mentors from several areas who are internal leaders and promote development and career talks. In the 2016/2017 harvest, 49 internal talents were selected, who were responsible for two initiatives aligned with our strategy: a project on Diversity and an initiative to promote innovation and excellence in the industry.

An eye on the Future | A program to develop young talents from all business areas with potential for leadership positions. The program promotes the reflection on different models, tools and ways of impacting and transforming the future, contributing to forming visionary leaders. As in Raízen Generation, the program relies on internal mentors. In the 2016/2017 harvest, there were 21 participants, who developed four projects with themes of impact for our business.

Desenvolve Negócios Agrícolas | Created in 2016 to ensure clarity about the required competencies to operate in the area of Agricultural Businesses. The program involves 77 employees in initiatives with internal and external partners.

Alpha Development Cycle | In 2016/2017, nearly 1,200 operation and process managers of the agricultural and industrial areas were submitted to an assessment for technical and leadership competencies. The purpose was to establish a manager development plan based on the identification of opportunities for improvement, and to capture information for recognition through meritocracy. In addition, all managers are involved in development initiatives on the aspects of People and Process Management, Labor and Union Relations, Respect for Life, Diversity, and HR Processes.

Development Cycle for Agricultural-Industrial Integration Center (AIC) | Training offered to more than 110 employees in order to improve logistics operations, contributing to a systemic vision of the processes. The purpose of the program is to prepare strategic planning for better operational efficiency in the 2017/2018 harvest.

Technical Training for Agricultural and Industrial Operations | With a focus on perfecting operational techniques and processes, and in the quest for greater efficiency, safety, and operational excellence, more than 20 professionals were involved in the technical training programs in the operations of cutting, loading, transporting, and industrial maintenance, among other aspects.

Training and Development Platform | Employees have access to online content from a behavior, technical and occupational safety standpoint. In the last harvest, nearly 4,000 professionals of several areas participated.

Click here for more information on training and development of talents. |G4-LA9, G4-LA11, G4-SO4|

Champions in innovation

In the last harvest, we completed the first edition of the Inovar (Innovate) program, which promoted a culture of innovation among our team for 10 months and resulted in the registration of 900 ideas for improvement in operational efficiency.

In May 2017, a total of 20 employees were announced, responsible for nine projects shortlisted. The grand champion was Shell Box Wireless, intended to reduce the infrastructure required at service stations for payment using the Shell Box – - which reduced the risk of accidents in the installation process.

Among the other finalists, we had:

Supply Chain Optimizer Project | Optimizer adapted to the new scenario of fuel prices with daily changes, which allows for simulation, in just few minutes, of a Brazil model to sell our fuel. This way, we gained efficiency in the flows for imports, terminal supply, and internal sales.

Biomass Call Option Project | New format for the acquisition of biomass to complement our potential for cogeneration and second-generation ethanol (E2G).

Cantareira Project | This project proposes a revision and standardization of the volumes of ballast in the tanks at the terminals.

Camisa Montada | Project that allows for the production of more resistant grinding mills with easier maintenance.

Bag Sling Project | Inclusion of slings in 50-kg bags of sugar, which reduces risks associated with handling.

Project Budget | A project that proposes new processes to give greater assertiveness in defining budgets for major projects, with reduction of financial risks.

My Raízen App | App that helps sugarcane producers manage their agricultural business.

Decanting of Vignasse | Purification of vignasse in order to eliminate waste and avoid contamination of the soil.

Occupational Health and Safety

|G4-DMA Occupational Health and Safety|

Safety of professionals involved in all links of our production chain is a nonnegotiable value. This aspect permeates all internal instances and receives the attention of members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board, advised by Social Responsibility, and Occupational Health, Safety and Environment committees.

In the 2016/2017 harvest, 16 lost time accidents were recorded and one fatality occurred among contractors - albeit these numbers are smaller than in the previous harvest, they are still considered unacceptable. We continue with our pursuit of the Zero Accidents goal, and it is our understanding that, in order to reach this goal, we must proceed with our initiatives focused on the behavior of people. |G4-LA6|

All accidents are reported and investigated, and those with lost time, functional restriction, or medical treatment, are immediately taken to company management (within 24 hours of the event). Lessons learned are disseminated and discussed at the end of the investigations.

After inspecting facilities, equipment and reviewing procedures, individual and collective awareness is promoted about the importance of safe attitudes, attention to details of every procedure, and intervention in unsafe situations. SIGO and Alerta are the main tools used to strengthen this behavior. 2

2The integrated management system based on behavioral tools Loss Prevention SystemTM (LPSTM).

LTIF3 Lost Time Injury Frequency




2 LTIF - Lost Time Injury Frequency The data reported refers to own employees and contractors throughout the company.

In the last harvest, 95% of our facilities operated without any lost time accidents, which underscores the significant advancements and the success of the initiatives employed. We believe that operations without accidents are more efficient and reflect the quality of management at the units.

In production

In addition to seasonal programs associated with the sugarcane cycle, we intensified awareness about this aspect with the launch of the FIVE RULES THAT SAVE LIVES . Developed by a multifunctional team together with company administration, these five rules provide on initiatives capable of eliminating the causes of the most frequent accidents in the units.


By respecting these rules, 70% of the most frequent accidents are eliminated from our operations:

Permission for services and Procedures

- Routine services must have their risks identified and controlled through procedures.

- Non-routine tasks need to be controlled through specific service permissions.

- Strictly follow recommendations defined in the service permissions and procedures.

Movement of machinery and man-machine interface

- Before hoisting a load, make careful prior inspection of equipment and accessories;

- Never remain under or near suspended loads.

- Always isolate the area and do not allow access of non-authorized people.

- Never conduct maintenance or cleaning of moving equipment.

- Respect safe distance from machines in operation, such as combine harvesters, tractors, and others.

Working at heights

- Wear a safety harness with a double lanyard or a properly anchored fall protection.

- The use of safety ladders with cage also requires the use of safety harness.

- Make sure that scaffolding is level, interlocked, and the planks attached without gaps.

- Before using portable ladders, conduct prior inspection.

Safe driving

- Respect all traffic rules.

- Drive at compatible speed.

- Use seat belts at all time, including passengers.

- Never handle a cell phone while driving.

- Under no circumstance make prohibited turns.

Organization, cleanliness and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

- - Use PPE compatible with the task you are performing.

- Maintain the work environment safe.

- Eliminate leakages and isolate hot surfaces.

- At the end of a task, put away tools and leftover material.

- Keep spare equipment away from the operations area.

- Keep circulation areas free of obstacles.

The Safety Marathon Program was also extended to all units, awarding scores to employees based on internally established guidelines. Those employees with the best scores will receive items for family use.

In 2016/2017, we also adopted the Safety Tour, a visual management tool that allows leaders to monitor the Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) practices in the facilities. The purpose is to define the role of each person in building a zero accident environment.

At the distribution terminals

We maintained a high level of safety among employees and contractors thanks to initiatives such as the campaign Building a Safe Environment, which reinforced three pillars:

Defined after analyzing the history of nonconformity captured using the Alerta! program, these aspects were addressed with operators, drivers and contractors who are daily involved in operational processes.

Our terminals employ cutting-edge technology to operate with safety, such as the electronic system to monitor fuel level and fuel temperature stored in the tanks. Whenever possible, we automate vehicle loading operations and use measuring turbines to control loss of load.

Additionally, employees receive regular training. Awareness initiatives are also conducted for the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and adequate safety materials.

On the roads

In fuel transportation operations, we intensified remote monitoring of drivers to curb traffic violations and speeding. This is done using telemetry, which provides information such as distance covered, speed on dry or wet surface, time using the clutch, sudden braking and acceleration, stop time of vehicles, fuel level and temperature, and engine rotation, and other variables (see in the table the most important tools used in transport vehicles).

Innovation and safety on the roads

In the cabin: Electronic fences, which indicate the riskiest stretches on the roads; onboard computer; breathalyzer next to the dashboard; cameras that help prevent and treat occurrences such as accidents and traffic violations and guarantee the quality and volume of cargo transported.

The cargo: GPS allows for real-time tracking of the truck, which helps in cases of theft or robbery.

On the tires: Sensors are installed to transmit data on tire pressure and temperature.

In 2016/2017, Alerta! was widely used in logistics operations given the growth in the Observation for Prevention of Incidents (OPI), a tool intended to prevent workplace accidents.

In order to involve the more than 3,500 truck drivers, every year we give recognition to the best of them at the Truck Rodeo, based on the results of the safety performance indicators. This edition was the largest award ever granted with over 50 finalists receiving awards.

Another form of promoting adequate behavior for occupational safety is the Driver Recognition Program, with monthly drawing of prizes (TVs, cell phones, and tablets) among those not involved in accidents and who have adopted safe driving practices during the harvest.

We also invested in technology for the agricultural fleet, through the installation of parking brakes alarm vehicles. This tool alerts drivers to put on the parking brakes when opening the door to leave the cabin. We also added LED lights to the rear and sides of these vehicles, to facilitate visibility on the road.

In the lightweight vehicle fleet we also adopted telemetry to monitor drivers and promote safe behavior. Furthermore, drivers took part in courses about defensive driving, which aim to avoid attitudes mapped in high potential accidents, historically recorded. As a result, there were no cases of reportable accidents with high risk potential, and there was a 75% reduction in the number of speeding violations.

In Brazilian Rivers

A portion of the transport operations in the northern portion of Brazil uses river transportation. Therefore, we intensified management of these operations in 2016/2017. Today, river transportation follows the same operation management procedures as our other activities, with strict approval of suppliers and annual inspection of 100% of the barges. Additionally, we offer:

In the service station network

The program called Você Conquista encourages dealers to adopt effective safety initiatives through recognition during the crop year and a final awarding ceremony. Incentives begin in the prerequisites for the awarding, since dealers are only eligible if they have at least four employees every half year participating in our online training courses and two efficient and sustainable initiatives, in addition to achieving a minimum performance level of 75% in the Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) visits.

Visits are made twice every year to 100% of the service stations participating in the Oferta Integrada, conducted by a specialist company, which ensures the independence of the process. Service stations are evaluated according to four pillars: Safety in Fueling Operations, Environment, Emergency Plan, and Sustainability. These pillars represent, respectively, our commitment to responsibility: People, Planet, Reputation, and Continuity.

In 2016/2017, the assessment process was revised in order to maintain the engagement with these programs. New criteria were adopted during the visits to the service stations, such as: requirement that the customer leave the vehicle while filling up with Compressed Natural Gas (CNG); correct maintenance of the oil/water separation box; emergency plan drills.

The relationship with contractors is defined at the Safety Master level, a virtual space that contributes with the reinforcement of our safety culture among partners and to increase the perception of risk among this audience.

Prevention is the first step

Consumption of alcohol and medical or illegal drugs, even when there is no addiction, can put employees and partners in situations of risk. Consequently, we reinforced our Alcohol and Drugs Policy in the last harvest.

We intensified our toxicological assessment of professionals involved in activities of risk and, additionally, we conducted initiatives to explain about the harmful effects of these substances, as well as indication for rehab.

Click here for more information about occupational health and safety. |G4-LA5, G4-LA6|