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With a differentiated focus on Early Childhood Education, the Jaú Center (Núcleo Jaú) serves 120 students, from 4 months to 5 years old, on a full-day schedule. The center is recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC), and the students complete their first phase of school with educational and pedagogical development. From 6 to 10 years old, the center offers 100 spots for further education. During non-school hours, students have the opportunity to learn other subjects such as: computer science, reading and writing, performing arts, health and environment, citizenship, and school supervision, among others. The work done with our students is based on psychosocial development and brings positive results to the benefited community.
Where does it happen: Jaú Center
benefited per day
from 4 months to 10 years old
The project uses an innovative pedagogical methodology aiming to boost socially vulnerable young people (14 to 16 years old) so that they can make professional discoveries and lead their own paths to the future. Every year, about 600 public school students are part of a 12-month program, during non-school hours, in which they go through three modules that address self-knowledge, talent, and vocational discovery, building dreams and professional references and planning for the years to come. In the end, they come out with an individual development plan and a five-year mentoring program.
The Raízen Foundation intends to share the methodology with other entities and partners, opening new centers that will inspire the lives of 10,000 young people by 2024.
Dois Córregos Center
Igaraçu do Tietê Center
Ipaussu Center
Jataí Center
Piracicaba Center
Valparaíso Center
professional development
projects per year
served per center
a reflexão sobre sonhos, habilidades e plano de futuro
11 to 17 years old
Uma parceria da Fundação Raízen e do Fundo Socioambiental do BNDES, o Programa que tem como objetivo a melhoria da jornada formativa dos professores e gestores escolares de municípios brasileiros por meio da incorporação e estímulo ao desenvolvimento de competências socioemocionais nas redes públicas de educação e da ampliação do engajamento da comunidade escolar.
Atualmente o Programa vem sendo executado em 9 municípios e 7 estados brasileiros: Jequié (BA), São Gonçalo do Amarante (RN), Ipojuca (PE), Coroatá e Pio XII (MA), Piracicaba e São Sebastião (SP), Itaqui (RS) e São Bento do Sul (SC).
Nos próximos dois ciclos de execução (2025 e 2026), haverá a ampliação do atendimento de outros 81 municípios de todo o Brasil, com 50% da seleção via edital de ampla divulgação e 50% via articulação direta com territórios onde a Raízen tem operação.
Para sua execução, o Ativa Comunidade Escolar conta com parcerias estratégicas: Instituto Singularidades, CoCriar, Prosas, Asec+, Tide Social e IDIS.