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Climate Change


The climate agenda is intrinsically connected to our business strategy, since leading the energy transition, as we do, includes supporting society in offering solutions that enable the decarbonization of the economy, through biofuels and bioproducts.

Discussions on the topic arose from the increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the need to limit the increase in the global average temperature to 1.5ºC, resulting in the Paris Agreement in 2016. To achieve this goal, countries agreed to implement actions to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase resilience to climate change.

On this decarbonization journey, the coexistence of solutions is fundamental. We seek to increase our supply of renewable products and encourage a low-carbon economy, contributing to decarbonizing the global and Brazilian energy matrix.

Emissions Profile

Since 2022, our GHG Emissions Inventory takes into account Raízen's activities in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, and is constructed following the Brazilian version of a methodology from the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program. In this methodology, emissions are divided into three scopes:

  • Scope 1
    Emissions arising from Raízen's production activities, for which the company has direct responsibility. (Examples: application of agricultural inputs in Raízen areas, diesel consumption in machinery, transportation of Raízen sugarcane on highways, burning of bagasse in boilers, emissions related to the heating of crude oil at the Raízen refinery in Argentina, among others).

  • Scope 2
    Emissions associated with Raízen’s electricity consumption.

  • Scope 3
    Emissions related to Raízen activities, but which are not directly responsible. (Example: use of products sold, referring to emissions from the burning of fuel by consumers who purchase it at Shell stations, as well as outsourced transportation and distribution of fuel and employees, business trips, among others).

Full incorporation of Biosev's plants

Starting from 2020, emissions from Scope 1, 2, and 3 now include our operations in Argentina

Addition of Use of Sold Products

Inclusion of upstream distribution emissions from products

Inventory 2023 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 3.200.069,82
Scope 2 7.841,66
Scope 3 60.389.906,15
Total de emissões 63.597.817,63
Inventory 2022 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 2.742.975,30
Scope 2 14.134,74
Scope 3 54.049.929,11
Total de emissões 56.807.039,15
Inventory 2021 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 2.409.015,36
Scope 2 16.762,53
Scope 3 49.282.716,66
Total de emissões 51.708.494,55
Inventory 2020 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 2.427.764,55
Scope 2 11.740,95
Scope 3 44.582.401,48
Total de emissões 47.021.906,98
Inventory 2019 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 1.441.914,21
Scope 2 6.358,91
Scope 3 39.315.035,70
Total de emissões 40.763.308,82
Inventory 2018 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 1.416.165,51
Scope 2 7.800,25
Scope 3 470.073,77
Total de emissões 1.894.039,53
Inventory 2017 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 1.644.637,28
Scope 2 12.243,42
Scope 3 478.437,19
Total de emissões 2.135.317,89
Inventory 2016 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 1.384.905,40
Scope 2 11.346,32
Scope 3 445.297,89
Total de emissões 1.841.549,61
Inventory 2015 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 1.205.254,84
Scope 2 16.506,39
Scope 3 446.687,52
Total de emissões 1.668.448,75
Inventory 2014 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 1.142.217,30
Scope 2 20.022,59
Scope 3 428.830,19
Total de emissões 1.591.070,08
Inventory 2013 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 1.460.326,17
Scope 2 9.463,22
Scope 3 485.782,17
Total de emissões 1.955.571,56
Inventory 2012 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 1.250.073,10
Scope 2 13.269,74
Scope 3 177.307,27
Total de emissões 1.440.650,11
Inventory 2011 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 1.177.510,28
Scope 2 1.219,43
Scope 3 165.006,04
Total de emissões 1.343.735,75
Inventory 2010 (tCO₂e) Total Raízen
Scope 1 1.163.140,24
Scope 2 4.305,66
Scope 3 0,00
Total de emissões 1.167.445,90


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a technique developed to measure two possible environmental impacts caused as a result of the manufacturing and use of a certain product. Among the main environmental impacts measured are climatic changes, resulting from the emissions of greenhouse gases (SGE). Once the data relating to the extraction and use of raw materials have been raised and used, passing through production and distribution to consumption and final disposal, we can also consider recycling and reuse – in this way, analyzing the entire life cycle of the product. Ultimately, it is possible to understand the amount of CO₂ equivalent emitted per unit of product (kg, MWh generated, MJ, etc.).

Raízen annually carries out LCA of its main products (sugar, 1G and 2G ethanol, cogeneration, pellets and biogas). To guarantee adequate measurement and management of GEE emissions that occur during the production process, the LCA studies that we carry out independently use a “free-port” approach, which accounts for all emissions involved in the production process at that time. “portão” of our power plants, according to the flowchart:

* “Cradle-to-gate” approach: All GHG emissions are considered up to the plant gate. In other words, until the production of products, not taking into account emissions from transport and use, which varies significantly between consumption destinations.

** It is important to mention that the annual ACV analysis of our renewable products always undergoes an external and independent audit.