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Directly linked to governance, transparency is a fundamental pillar for Raízen.
We guide ourselves in order to maintain transparent business management and an ethical relationship with our stakeholders.
in accordance with the GRI standards in order to be in line with the best practices in the market
The initials stand for Global Reporting Initiative, an international organization that helps companies measure, standardize, and disclose their business results, social and environmental impacts, and governance information.
By adopting the GRI standard, we ensure reliable and transparent disclosure of our results, following a strong and recognized global standard. For this same reason, as of the 20/21 report, we also started reporting the SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) indicators.

Integrated Report
View our reports

2022 | 2023 Integrated Report

For the 12th time we are disclosing the results of our activities and challenges faced, opportunities seized and progress made towards our public commitments - established in our ESG Raízen Agenda. For the first time, this publication has been prepared in the format of an Integrated Report, formally adhering to the framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).

2021 | 2022 Annual Report

2020 | 2021 Annual Report

This significant edition marks our ten years anniversary, the major milestones of this trajectory and the performance of our operations in Argentina, as well as demonstrating that we are prepared to lead the energy transition and provide an increasingly clean and competitive energy matrix.
This is the first time that we started to respond to the indicators of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). And we also have the first Annual Report of Raízen Foundation.

2019 | 2020 Annual Report

2018 | 2019 Annual Report

2017 | 2018 Annual Report

2016 | 2017 Annual Report

In this Report, Discover more about our achievements, challenges and work in economic, environmental, and social aspects, such as: financial record of cash flow, inauguration of Pulse - innovation hub, record market share in the fuel sector, launch of Shell Box – service station app for payment and promotions, among others.

2015 | 2016 Annual Report

2014 | 2015 Annual Report

2013 | 2014 Annual Report

2012 | 2013 Annual Report
Understand more about our commitment to sustainability from our frequently asked questions.
What is sustainability to Raízen?
For us, sustainability is the strategic and fundamental axis for our business. We understand that a commitment to sustainability, and a pursuit of best practices, contributes to the company's concept of value and guarantees longevity and efficiency in the various areas in which we operate.
What is second-generation ethanol?
Second-generation ethanol, or E2G, is an ethanol with the same chemical properties as conventional ethanol. The great difference between them is the raw material used for their productions: the conventional one is produced from the sugars of the sugarcane mill, while the second-generation is produced from the sugars present in sugarcane bagasse, residue of the initial processing, or in the straw, the waste of the sugarcane harvesting process.
What is bioenergy?
Bioenergy is generated from burning biomass, resulting in a renewable energy. At Raízen, bioenergy is generated using bagasse, a by-product resulting from sugar and ethanol production in all our plants. In 13 of our 26 units, we generate more energy annually than we consume, allowing excess volume to be exported to the national grid (called the GRID), helping to make the Brazilian electrical matrix cleaner.
How has Raízen been developing in relation to the generation of renewable energies?
Raízen invests in new renewable energy technology, such as the construction of a biogas plant (which will generate energy from industrial waste such as vinasse and filter cake) and a solar power plant aimed at distributed generation in order to diversify its participation in the energy sector, in addition to the generation of biomass energy.
What are RECS and what is Raízen's relationship in this market?
RECs are certificates that allow the traceability of the renewable origin of an electric energy consumption. It represents a megawatt-hour (MWh) of generated renewable energy and is put into the national grid. We emit and trade RECs with partners committed to the use of renewable energy in their processes with Raízen's bioenergy production from bagasse burning.
How does Raízen manage its greenhouse gas emissions?
Since 2011, the company reports its emissions in the public emissions registry and already has a robust and reliable inventory, always remaining transparent. This report follows the international guidelines of the GHG Protocol and goes through a third party verification. Raízen sees vigorous management of its emissions as the first step in reducing GHG's and managing the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and the low carbon economy.